Wenn mich Bilder ansprechen, dann möchte ich sie auch haben bzw. hier vorstellen. Nach einem netten Austausch via Mail hat Christopher Loren Ewers mir meine Favoriten zugemailt und zu jedem Bild ein paar Zeilen geschrieben.
Er ist übrigens Fotograf und Filmemacher. Studiert hat er an der New England School of Photography & Boston University, er lebt heute in New York. Schwerpunkte seiner Arbeit sind Portraits jeglicher Art – Portraits, die dazu anregen, sich Gedanken über die Protagonisten zu machen. Was denkt derjenige gerade und in welcher Situation steckt er? Man kann also viel hineininterpretieren in die Aufnahmen, großartige Aufnahmen wie ich finde – aber seht selbst und vielen Dank an Chris für die Bilder und seine Kommentare!

The above 3 pictures:
I photographed Emily in Brooklyn on March 20th, 2010 as a part of an ongoing portrait series of people that I meet on my morning commute into the city. My background is a combination of both cinematography and photojournalism conversely, so I like to explore the best of both. I create a contrived scenario and lighting, but with a subject that I know little to nothing about. I set a scene, then document what happens within it.
I photographed Dawn Dunning of “The Bambi Killers” on June 10th, 2010 at the Chelsea Hotel in NYC. Dawn was a great collaborator and is an amazing artist.
Alexis Negron, photographed at her family home in Brooklyn, NY October 11th, 2009 as a part of an ongoing personal project photographing artists and creatives in their studios or work-spaces.
Painter, Erika Keck photographed in her Bushwick studio, Brooklyn, NY May 10th, 2009 as a part of an ongoing personal project photographing artists and creatives in their studios or work-spaces.
I first photographed Jessie Baylin in Los Angeles on January 14th, 2006 and have worked with her many times since. This photograph was taken in downtown LA on April 18th, of the same year.
Photographer Vincent Skeltis, Williamsburg, Brooklyn. March 4th, 2010
Jessie Baylin, New York City, April 22nd, 2009
I photographed “Lyra” in Los Angeles sometime in early 2007. At the time she was working as an “exotic film actress.”
© Copyright by Christopher Loren Ewers
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